
Noticias y Anuncios

May 29, 2017

Ground breaking system for torque, fluid loss and borehole instability

The AMC Borehole Optimization System™ (AMC BOS™) makes wire-line drilling more predictable, and encourages proactive versus reactive drilling.
May 19, 2017

CSIRO Case Study: Imdex Group – REFLEX

Published: CSIRO Mining Equipment, Technology and Services booklet, May 2017 Imdex Ltd is an ASX listed mining technology provider to the global minerals industry, headquartered in Perth, Western Australia. The company has operation in all key mining and exploration regions throughout Asia Pacific, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Imdex develops […]
May 19, 2017

CSIRO Case Study: Imdex Group – REFLEX

Published: CSIRO Mining Equipment, Technology and Services booklet, May 2017 Imdex Ltd is an ASX listed mining technology provider to the global minerals industry, headquartered in Perth, Western Australia. The company has operation in all key mining and exploration regions throughout Asia Pacific, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Imdex develops […]
May 12, 2017

REFLEX becomes Innov-X Canada’s sole XRF distributor in Canada

REFLEX becomes Innov-X Canada’s sole distributor to the mining market in Canada and Alaska Distribution for the sale and rental of Olympus XRF and XRD devices. REFLEX is pleased to announce that it is now the official sole supplier for Olympus handheld and portable bench top XRF and XRD devices […]
May 12, 2017

REFLEX becomes Innov-X Canada’s sole XRF distributor in Canada

REFLEX becomes Innov-X Canada’s sole distributor to the mining market in Canada and Alaska Distribution for the sale and rental of Olympus XRF and XRD devices. REFLEX is pleased to announce that it is now the official sole supplier for Olympus handheld and portable bench top XRF and XRD devices […]
April 18, 2017

Decisions and Discovery – Upgrading to “Truth Machine 2.0” – SEG Newsletter

Published: Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) Newsletter N109– April 2017  Drilling holes is the universally accepted means to find orebodies, so much so that some have nicknamed the drill a “truth machine.” Regardless of your take on snappy monikers, at some point, to advance the process of exploration, you need […]
March 27, 2017

Combatting environmental impact with solids control: an 89% reduction in water use and minimal impact with AMC’s SRU™ technology.

March 20, 2017

The modern driller: Benefitting from evolving solids control

AMC Solids Removal Unit™ range acts as an alternative to earthen sumps, to face increasing costs related to drilling fluids and waste disposal.
February 6, 2017

An industry first for structural logging – Imdex integrates its trusted technologies providing a unique end-to-end solution for clients.

Imdex is pleased to announce the launch of its end-to-end STRUCTURAL-IQ, integrating its trusted technologies for a unique end-to-end solution for clients
January 31, 2017

AMC BORE HOLE STABILISER™ improved blast hole utilisation by 30%.

AMC’s BORE HOLE STABILISER™ performed exceptionally well compared to the existing program and resulted in an increased hole utilisation rate of 30% and produced significantly more holes per hour.
January 31, 2017

AMC BORE HOLE STABILISER™ mejoró en 30% la práctica de perforaciones con explosivos.

AMC BORE HOLE STABILISER™ mejoró de forma significativa el uso de explosivos para perforaciones en la mina de bauxita Boddington en Australia Occidental, mediante la producción de cuellos firmes, agujeros en calibre y ayudando a la perforación hasta la profundidad total (TD).