

May 21, 2018

IMDEX delivering a step change for Drill and Blast applications

IMDEX is continuously refining its integrated product and service offering to enhance productivity and efficiency for clients.
May 21, 2018

Mets Ignited entrevista IMDEX en EXPOMIN 2018

Mets United habló con Sergio Jimenez, nuestro Gerente Regional de Sudamérica en EXPOMIN 2018 acerca de nuestras contribuciones tecnológicas y crecientes relaciones entre LATAM y Australia.
May 21, 2018

Mets Ignited interviews IMDEX at EXPOMIN 2018

Mets Ignited spoke to Sergio Jimenez our Regional Manager South America at EXPOMIN 2018 about IMDEX’s technological contributions and building relationships between LATAM and Australia.
May 20, 2018


AMC BORE HOLE STABILISER™ es un producto multifuncional formulado específicamente para aplicaciones de perforación con aire, incluido el método “Drill & Blast” (perforación con voladura).