

May 29, 2017

Reactive versus proactive drilling: introducing the AMC BOS™

Content While no one would argue that fixing things as quickly as possible when they break is important, few realise the high costs associated with solely practising this mode of operation. Down the borehole, you can’t always predict when or how things will go wrong. And as accountability and productivity […]
May 29, 2017

AMC BOS™ recupera un pozo abandonado y aumenta la productividad en Arizona, EE.UU.

AMC BOS™ tuvo éxito en la Mina Resolution, rescatando un pozo que había sido abandonado, reduciendo los costos y mejorando la productividad del agujero.
May 29, 2017

AMC BOS™ recovers an abandoned hole and boosts productivity in Arizona, USA

AMC BOS™ was a success at a mine site in Arizona, USA, saving a borehole that had been abandoned, reducing the costs and improving the productivity of the hole.
May 29, 2017
En todo mi tiempo perforando en el sitio, nunca fui testigo de un producto que hiciera lo que hace el AMC BOS™ para mejorar la perforación y las condiciones de pérdida de circulación