Showing 73–84 of 94 results
AMC TORQ FREE XTRA™ is a vegetable oil based lubricant designed to reduce torque and drag in diamond drilling in all types of water quality. It has the ability to produce a protective film on the rods and bit, which reduces torque and enhances their life.
AMC TORQUE GUARD™ es un lubricante único de última generación y alto rendimiento a presiones extremas. Este producto utiliza tecnología sofisticada para mejorar las cualidades de lubricación de los fluidos de perforación mediante características avanzadas de adhesión y formación de película. AMC TORQUE GUARD™ es un lubricante de alto rendimiento diseñado específicamente para reducir el coeficiente de fricción de la mayoría de sistemas de fluidos de perforación base agua.
AMC TRIPLE 4™ is a highly, concentrated inherently biodegradable phosphate free, solvent free water based multifunctional degreaser. AMC TRIPLE 4™ is ideally suited to remove built-up heavy deposits of grease, oil, grime and dirt from machinery, concrete floors and other badly soiled surfaces. AMC TRIPLE 4™ has been designed specifically for the mining and drilling industries and has proven to be a suitable alternative to solvent based degreasers.
Como parte de la solución de Optimización de Perforación de Imdex, el IMDEX MUD AID™ y la Unidad de Remoción de Sólidos Ultra Liviana de AMC (ULW SRU™) se unen para optimizar la rapidez de penetración, el sistema de recuperación y metros por herramienta de corte, utilizando la última versión de control de sólidos, análisis de fluidos y tecnología de rastreo a distancia – todo en un diseño ultra ligero.
AMC VIS GEL SW™ is a proprietary blend of high quality bentonite and specially selected polymers that produce a complete drilling fluid system in areas where fresh water is not available. The AMC VIS GEL SW™ system is designed to improve carrying capacity and filtration control properties to promote borehole stability. AMC VIS GEL SW™ is unique in the fact it will blend and hydrate easily into hard to salt saturated water conditions and is ideal for all types of drilling applications.
AMC WATER CONDITIONER™ is a blend of water treating agents used for the treatment of water containing large amounts of magnesium, calcium and other metal ions that have a detrimental effect on the yield of drilling fluid additives such as bentonite or polymers.
AMC WONDERCUT™ is a high performance extreme pressure cutting oil which can be used when drilling with diamond core bits, through hard, abrasive formations. AMC WONDERCUT™ contains extreme pressure lubricating agents which will help to cool diamond bits, facilitate improved production rates, extend bit and ream life, reduce rod torque and help eliminate rod vibration.
AMC XAN BORE™ es un biopolímero en polvo de alta calidad, diseñado para lograr óptima suspensión de sólidos y limpieza en pozos verticales; como así también en aplicaciones de perforación horizontal direccional (HDD). AMC XAN BORE™ es un producto distintivo capaz de producir un fluido tixotrópico que adelgaza por el esfuerzo de corte. AMC XAN BORE™ también actúa como un controlador de filtrado muy efectivo.
AUS DEX™ is a modified starch with a high degree of environmental acceptability. AUS DEX™ provides filtration control without excessive viscosity build-up in most water based fluids ranging from fresh water to high concentrations of monovalent salts and low concentrations of divalent ions.
CALCIUM CHLORIDE is a salt used to create solids free brine workover and completion fluids. It can be used to prepare weighted drilling fluids where formation pressures require densities ranging from 1.02 – 1.40sg (8.5 – 11.7lb / bbl). In combination with CALCIUM BROMIDE, CALCIUM CHLORIDE achieves densities up to 1.8sg (15lb / bbl).
EUROGEL XTRA is a an easy to mix, one-sack drilling fluid system that provides various beneficial rheological and filtration properties. EUROGEL XTRA is designed for use in horizontal directional drilling, water well, mining and tunneling applications.
La única unidad de verificación de fluido de perforación en terreno, monitoreada remotamente