Showing 25–36 of 47 results
AMC PLUG™ is a polymer in granular form that absorbs up to 500 times its original volume in water. AMC PLUG™ is ideal for sealing zones of lost circulation and can also be used to reduce rod vibration in holes where lost returns are a problem.
AMC PURE VIS™ is a specially formulated blend of additives that improves both hole cleaning and downhole lubrication. AMC PURE VIS™ provides a robust drilling fluid system without the problems associated when preparing and shearing powder polymer in environments where mixing equipment is limited.
AMC RESI DRILL™ is a product designed to give any drilling fluid non invasive properties. It reduces dynamic filtration loss, stabilises wellbores and protects reservoirs from damage. The product is formulated to reduce fluid loss and stabilise shale by preventing filtrate invasion into permeable structures. Filter cake and differential sticking are therefore minimised and weak formations are stabilised. The product also has a high degree of environmental acceptability.
AMC ROD GREASE XTRA TACKY™ is a specially formulated, tenacious, barium-based grease recommended for use on diamond drill rods to reduce vibration and friction between the rod and casing or rock strata. AMC ROD GREASE XTRA TACKY™ is particularly effective in dry hole drilling, is thermally stable and will perform in a variety of harsh conditions. AMC ROD GREASE XTRA TACKY™ has superior adhesion characteristics designed to provide exceptional film strength when subjected to extreme down hole pressures.
AMC SAND FIX™ está diseñado para mantener la estabilidad del pozo y minimizar los problemas relacionados con la perforación de arenas sueltas, cantos rodados y gravas. Además, promueve la estabilidad de pozos en formaciones que tienden desplazarse y colapsar.
AMC SUPERFOAM™ es una mezcla de surfactantes aniónicos biodegradable, la cual ha sido desarrollada para utilizarse en la perforación de pozos de agua y exploración minera.
AMC SUPERLUBE™ es un aceite vegetal que se ha desarrollado específicamente para la industria de exploración minera. Sus propiedades de lubricación a presión extrema fueron diseñadas para los parámetros de operación en la superficie de la broca, proporcionando mejoras en la velocidad de penetración y prolongando la vida útil de la broca.
The AMC Solids Removal Unit™ (SRU™) is an innovative alternative to fluid sumps, proving highly beneficial for the environment, on-site health and safety, operational efficiency as well as delivering significant cost savings. The SRU™ closed-loop system is transforming drilling operations worldwide, reducing environmental impact and footprint of the drill site.
AMC TORQUE GUARD™ es un lubricante único de última generación y alto rendimiento a presiones extremas. Este producto utiliza tecnología sofisticada para mejorar las cualidades de lubricación de los fluidos de perforación mediante características avanzadas de adhesión y formación de película. AMC TORQUE GUARD™ es un lubricante de alto rendimiento diseñado específicamente para reducir el coeficiente de fricción de la mayoría de sistemas de fluidos de perforación base agua.
Como parte de la solución de Optimización de Perforación de Imdex, el IMDEX MUD AID™ y la Unidad de Remoción de Sólidos Ultra Liviana de AMC (ULW SRU™) se unen para optimizar la rapidez de penetración, el sistema de recuperación y metros por herramienta de corte, utilizando la última versión de control de sólidos, análisis de fluidos y tecnología de rastreo a distancia – todo en un diseño ultra ligero.
The AMC Underground Solids Removal Unit™ (UG SRU™) enables recycling of drilling fluid in underground operations, delivering significant savings and productivity benefits. The UG SRU™ closed-loop system reduces the volume of mud and water required for underground operations, reducing operational costs and creating a safer working environment.
AMC VIS GEL SW™ is a proprietary blend of high quality bentonite and specially selected polymers that produce a complete drilling fluid system in areas where fresh water is not available. The AMC VIS GEL SW™ system is designed to improve carrying capacity and filtration control properties to promote borehole stability. AMC VIS GEL SW™ is unique in the fact it will blend and hydrate easily into hard to salt saturated water conditions and is ideal for all types of drilling applications.