Showing 37–47 of 47 results
AMC WELLCLEAN™ is used in the development and clean up of water wells where bentonite based mud has been used. AMC WELLCLEAN™ breaks down the viscosity of a bentonite mud and will disperse any wall cake that has formed on the walls of the drill hole, promoting rapid and effective clean up.
AMC XAN BORE™ es un biopolímero en polvo de alta calidad, diseñado para lograr óptima suspensión de sólidos y limpieza en pozos verticales; como así también en aplicaciones de perforación horizontal direccional (HDD). AMC XAN BORE™ es un producto distintivo capaz de producir un fluido tixotrópico que adelgaza por el esfuerzo de corte. AMC XAN BORE™ también actúa como un controlador de filtrado muy efectivo.
AUS DEX™ is a modified starch with a high degree of environmental acceptability. AUS DEX™ provides filtration control without excessive viscosity build-up in most water based fluids ranging from fresh water to high concentrations of monovalent salts and low concentrations of divalent ions.
IMDEX MOBILE™ is the mineral industry’s leading choice for paperless data collection and productivity cost reporting. This off-the-shelf software ensures supervisors, managers and stakeholders can make confident decisions based on real-time data they can trust.
La única unidad de verificación de fluido de perforación en terreno, monitoreada remotamente
MAGMA FIBER es un producto especialmente formulado de la extrusión de fibra mineral hilada. Las fibras largas y flexibles reducirán filtraciones y pérdida de circulación formando puentes y obstruyendo huecos, fracturas y todo tipo de formaciones permeables.
The MARSH CUP is an instrument used to measure drilling fluid viscosity, commonly used with the AMC MARSH FUNNEL. The MARSH CUP is a measuring cup which is graduated in fluid ounces (2-32oz) and cubic centimeters (100 – 1,000cc) and is designed to be used with the MARSH FUNNEL.
The MARSH FUNNEL is an instrument used to measure drilling fluid viscosity, commonly used with the AMC MEASURING CUP. The MARSH FUNNEL is molded from a tough, durable plastic that resists breaking or cracking. A brass orifice assures consistency in all readings.
pH PAPERS (PAPEL PH) measure the acidity or alkalinity of drilling fluids.
POTASSIUM CHLORIDE (KCl) is a soluble salt that is an extremely efficient shale stabiliser when drilling hydro sensitive clays and shales. Inhibition is provided through ion exchange; the potassium ion enters between the individual clay platelets in the shale so that they are held together, thus eliminating entry of water from the drilling fluid.
SODA ASH is a free flowing powder also known as sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) used in a fluid system to precipitate calcium (hardness) and increase alkalinity (pH).