

April 26, 2013

AMC Solids Removal Unit™

AMC unique Solids Removal Unit™ (SRU™) provides a highly innovative alternative to traditional drilling sumps. The closed-loop fluid system significantly reduces the environmental impact and greatly improves the efficiency of drilling operations.
May 29, 2017

AMC BOS™ saves 77% in operational costs compared to traditional cementing method

AMC BOS™ reduced drilling fluids needed by 50%, eliminated the need for a costly, time consuming cementing/grouting and improved the average bit life used.
May 29, 2017

AMC BOS™ recovers an abandoned hole and boosts productivity in Arizona, USA

AMC BOS™ was a success at a mine site in Arizona, USA, saving a borehole that had been abandoned, reducing the costs and improving the productivity of the hole.
May 30, 2018

AMC BOS™ – Stabilisation insurance for your borehole

Borehole stability is crucial in ensuring productivity for exploration drilling. AMC’s award-winning Borehole Optimisation System, ensures productivity through hole stabilisation – enhancing drilling conditions and improving rate of penetration.