

April 18, 2018

Innovating safety alongside productivity

Safety and productivity don’t often go hand-in-hand. So how do you continually minimise risk and create positive flow-on effects to operations? Find out how IMDEX is pinpointing improvements in the industry here.
May 15, 2018

The truth in real-time

Drilling holes is the universally accepted means to find ore bodies, so much so that some have nicknamed the drill a ‘truth machine’. Whatever the stage of exploration, the drilling life cycle is a critical element of the decision making process. The interpretation of data generated from drill samples helps […]
July 2, 2018

The paper-free way to better manage safety

Having a robust and easy-to-use safety reporting procedure in mining and exploration operations is essential to developing a resilient safety culture. Correct and detailed reporting will obtain important information about health and safety issues in the workplace, identify problems when they arise and prevent future occurrences. Traditionally, it has been […]