

September 12, 2016

AMC BORE HOLE STABILISER™ reduced total drilling costs by 34% in Western Australia

AMC BORE HOLE STABILISER™ successfully negated the need for traditional PVC casing at an underground mine in the Goldfields region of Western Australia.
January 30, 2017
We can now drill more meters with AMC BORE HOLE STABILISER™ as no PVC is needed to case the holes
The Production Engineer for our Kalgoorlie trial comments on using AMC BORE HOLE STABILISER™ instead of the traditional PVC method.
January 31, 2017

AMC BORE HOLE STABILISER™ improved blast hole utilisation by 30%.

AMC’s BORE HOLE STABILISER™ performed exceptionally well compared to the existing program and resulted in an increased hole utilisation rate of 30% and produced significantly more holes per hour.
May 21, 2018

IMDEX delivering a step change for Drill and Blast applications

IMDEX is continuously refining its integrated product and service offering to enhance productivity and efficiency for clients.