
Videos & Webinars

April 26, 2013

AMC Solids Removal Unit™

AMC unique Solids Removal Unit™ (SRU™) provides a highly innovative alternative to traditional drilling sumps. The closed-loop fluid system significantly reduces the environmental impact and greatly improves the efficiency of drilling operations.
May 9, 2013

Mud Balance

The density or weight of a give volume of liquid is determined by using a mud balance.
June 19, 2013

Marsh Funnel and Measuring Cup

Viscosity is a measurement relating to the flow properties of fluids. This video will demonstrate how to measure viscosity using an AMC Marsh Funnel and Measuring Cup.
October 14, 2014


AMC superior new COREWELL system provides exceptional protection of the core, significantly improves side wall stabilization and has proven to control fluid loss in a large variety of formations. no-repeat;center top;; auto [jpshare] no-repeat;center top;; auto