

November 14, 2017

Introducing IMDEXHUB-IQ™ for AMC

Introducing IMDEXHUB-IQ™, IMDEX’s complete software-as-service solution, now with even more integration and functionality. IMDEXHUB-IQ™ is now fully integrated to collect, store and reporting data from AMC’s newest innovation, the AMC MUD AID™.
December 12, 2017

How the IoT is affecting exploration mining – a Q&A with Michelle Carey

We ask Michelle Carey, IMDEX’s Global Manager Integrated Solutions how the IoT is affecting exploration mining.
February 12, 2019

IMDEX In-Field Geoanalysis Solution

The complete solution for In-Field Geoanalysis, from sample collection and preparation to data interpretation, where you need it, when you need it.
March 5, 2019

IMDEX MUD AID™ (Automated In-field Diagnosis)

A remotely monitored, in-field mud testing unit, designed to optimise and automate fluid management.