

July 10, 2018

Drill Rig and Safety Innovation Forum

July 2, 2018

The paper-free way to better manage safety

Having a robust and easy-to-use safety reporting procedure in mining and exploration operations is essential to developing a resilient safety culture. Correct and detailed reporting will obtain important information about health and safety issues in the workplace, identify problems when they arise and prevent future occurrences. Traditionally, it has been […]
June 13, 2018

La incorporación del AMC BOS™ logró duplicar los metros perforados por día

AMC BOS™ logró controlar con éxito zonas de fallas y formaciones cambiantes en un proyecto de exploración de oro en la IV región de Chile. El aumento de la productividad, la reducción del consumo de agua y lodos se lograron mediante el control de la pérdida de circulación, previniendo así […]
June 13, 2018

AMC BOS™ doubles metres drilled per day in Chile

AMC Borehole Optimisation System™ (AMC BOS™) successfully controlled fault zones and changing formations at a gold exploration project in Chile. This innovative system was able to have a positive effect on productivity and reduce the consumption of mud and water by effectively managing and preventing lost circulation, high torque and […]